Kosher Cooking Carnival: Greasy Story Edition
It’s that time of year when we light candles, play dreidel and eat… greasy food! Because of a greasy story two thousand years ago where a little jar of greasy oil lasted in the Temple for 8 days when it was only supposed to last for one. Since not much of the food in this post is greasy, I decided to call this the Greasy Story Edition, and not concentrate too much on greasy food (can one be yotzeh–fulfill one’s obligation–to eat food with oil by eating a salad with olive oil?). B’tayavon (bon appetit in Hebrew).
Specifically for Chanukah
Mimi teaches us to make potato latkes. Yum.
Shimshonit has her version of latkes: a variety of vegetables and garlic!
Ilana-Davita shows us zucchini latkes.
Lorri at Jew Wishes posted her latkes recipe.
Another traditional food for Chanukah is sufganiyot, jelly doughnuts. No one posted a recipe Phyllis posted a baked version, and I can tell you quickly my version: you make a sugary yeast dough, fry little balls of it in massive amounts of hot oil, dip the fried balls in yet more sugar, and inject with jelly. A delicious and fattening food.
Jacob da Jew asks: Caramel or Custard or Jelly?
This just in: Baroness Tapuzina’s Italian Soufganiot or Frittole
Small but Good Stuff
Need something quick? Easy sandwich by Batya.
End your ketchup dependency with Esser Agaroth’s condiments.
Thirsty, anyone? Greg tells us What’s Kosher at Starbucks? posted at Baltimore Jewish.
Now Batya’s on a diet: You’d Think I Was Working Full Time, and…
Meal Time
Irresistible: Mimi has a pumpkin soup with garlic croutons.
Your mouth will water when you take a look at this barley chicken by Baroness Tapuzina.
Mrs. S. can teach you some ways to make potato kugel for Shabbat.
On Thanksgiving, I posted a Stuffed Squash Workshop. I made one, and Ilana-Davita posted her version of stuffed squash a week later.
Delicious Asian dishes for Shabbat or for any other time presented by Ilana-Davita.
Hindy cooks up quite a meal with what to do with a loosey?
Proud Mommy of Four aka Sarah made lentil soup the week of Parshas Toldos, the kind that Esav would have desired. And the Maggid of Bergenfield has a lentil soup recipe.
Baila posted this yummy stuffed zucchini. “How I found myself eating a meat dish at 10 a.m. this morning”.

Batya’s diet continues into Chanukah.
Out on the Town
Wanna eat out?
Learn from Ahuva about the top five Jerusalem soup joints.
Batya can tell you the Best Sandwich Deal in Jerusalem.
Yisrael reports on a no, it’s not kosher restaurant in Paris.
Batya eats at The Rimon (I assume this is pre-diet?).
And at the Jerusalemite Blog you can learn about the frugal eateries in Jerusalem.
In the Kitchen
Raizy tells us about Cooking Kosher In A Small Kitchen.
Sweets Toot Sweets
Phyllis aka Imabima brings us a carrot cake.
Pesky Settler has a recipe for Chocolate Turtle Cheesecake. Now that sounds rich.
How not to make peppermint sticks.
Mike in Midwood has reviews of bakery jelly doughnuts.
Back at Thanksgiving, A Simple Jew had a Guest Posting By Chabakuk Elisha – A Layman’s Perspective On Turkey And The Halachic Process.
Speaking of halacha, there are only supposed to be eight lights on a chanukiah, and then one extra for the shamash, the “helper” candle. Does anyone know why more show up in my photo? (Hint: the answer has nothing to do with halacha).

If you would like to participate in a future Kosher Cooking Carnival, please submit your post.
Looking back, here’s a list of all the previous KCC’s: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, KCCMetaCarnival, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36
That would make this the 37th edition! To host a future edition, please contact Batya (shilohmuse at yahoo dot com).
naturegirl says
Leora:How I love to eat Challah! Nothing beats it with morning coffee!Potato Latkes..mmmmm!May the Spirit of the season leave its blessings on the hearts of you and yours! hugs NG
Mrs. S. says
Great job!
Also, thanks for the link.
Jientje says
Oh my!! I clicked a lot of those links, and that food really looks delicious!! Note to self: must try those latkes sometime!
Happy Chanukah, for you and your family!!
Ilana-Davita says
Great edition Leora; congratulations. I'll add the link asap.
Ilana-Davita says
Does anyone know why more show up in my photo?
Is it because it was taken in front of a mirror?
I realize I forgot to thank you for the links.
Mimi says
Thanks for including my latkehs, Leora. Now, about them sufganioyot - I've only ever made greasy little cannonballs, so I gave up.
Leora says
Mimi, I think the trick to sufganiyot is two-fold: 1) getting the dough to rise properly, even if it's chilly outside and 2) getting the oil hot enough to cook 'em but not burn 'em up.
Even so, ours come out uncooked in the center. No one complains. My family likes doughy food.
phyllis says
great great great! thanks for the links and the excellent edition. happy chanukah!
Photo Cache says
happy holidays. that challah is so good, i love it.
Batya says
Wonderful, just wonderful!
Leora, thank you so much!
Ben-Yehudah says
Great job! Hanukkah Same'ah!
Kosher Cooking Carnival #37 Is Up!
Yisrael Medad says
Hope you got some hits via my link-up.
Btw, are you acquainted with Gail & Manny Winston of Highland Park? If so, give them my regards.
Baila says
Great job, Leora, and thanks for linking me...
Baroness Tapuzina says
Thanks Leora for including me in the Kosher Cooking Carnival. I have also made some Italian "soufganyiot" that I posted a couple of days ago.
Batya says
Have you sent this to the Carnival of Recipes?
The Jewish Side says
I like your picture on the top, gives the perfect chanukah effect
wow, so many variates of different recipes. Gonna check some out.
about the candles, is it because it's in the window so it shows the reflection?
I actually made latkes, and I tried to make a few in the dreidel shape for fun.
Leora says
Jewish Side, yes, it's a reflection in the window. Dreidel-shaped latkes sounds cool...
Material Maidel says
Hey everyone!
Kosher Cuisine is looking for blog authors!
E-mail [email protected] for more info!
Please leave a comment! I love to hear from you.