Recipe: How to Make Almond Milk
I was told that making almond milk is easy, but in truth, I found the process a bit confusing from the “recipes” I read online. So I am writing up my own recipe in the hopes that it will clarify details on how to make almond milk.
Why Make Almond Milk
Best reason: it tastes yummy. It is richer and creamier than what I have purchased in stores. I think I really made almond cream, to tell the truth. Other reasons might be: you want to learn how to make a non-dairy (pareve) creamer from scratch or you like the idea of making a healthy drink. I made it because I usually have oat milk with my coffee, and on Pesach oat milk is chametz (sort of like bread, which we don’t eat on Passover). Almond milk is not, but our family only uses products that are certified kosher for Passover, and the almond milk I bought last year was so, so, so bad I had to throw it out. If you look at the ingredients on purchased almond milk, you will find ingredients other than almonds and water. This recipe is just: almonds and water!
Almond Milk Ingredients and Equipment
Almond Milk – How To
Soak the almonds overnight (8-12 hours) in water. In the morning, discard the soaking water. Crush the almonds until fine in the food processor. Place crushed almonds in a cheese cloth bag. Add water: the more water you add, the more milk you get, but it will thin the milk. I added about 1/2 cup of water and so I obtained almond cream. Squeeze the bag into a cup to retrieve the milk.
You will then have a bag of crushed nuts, so find a recipe that calls for crushed nuts. We made cookies with our crushed almonds, and that made my daughter and husband happy.

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On a separate note, I have recently set up a subscription by email for the Sketching Out blog. There is also a link on the right sidebar. This was in response to the upcoming “death” of Google Reader – I may write more on that topic in an upcoming post. Thank you to any of you who choose to subscribe.
Mrs. S. says
Thank you for sharing your recipe. Over Pesach, a relative who can't have any dairy products mentioned that she doesn't like any of the kosher for Pesach pareve creamers on the market. This sounds like exactly what she's looking for!
Leora says
That was exactly my dilemma - how do I make a pareve creamer that I like on Pesach? My niece did it last year. I thought, if she can do it, so can I. And sure enough, I figured it out (after she told me I needed to add water to my chopped nuts, that's why originally I was getting no milk).
Next year, I hope to make some for my brother-in-law as a gift - he can tolerate dairy, but he would like a pareve creamer for coffee drunk after a meat meal.
Thanks for reading.
Lorri says
Nice recipe...thank you for sharing it with us. I will try it one day.
Leora says
I would be interested to hear how it goes if you do, Lorri.
Hannah says
It seems a lot of work... but nice!
Leora says
If you are motivated, it's worthwhile. Thanks for the comment.
Jeri says
I know I would like almond milk, but have never tried it. I would like to hear your thoughts on the death of Google Reader... I'm not using Feedly for my RSS reader.
Leora says
Jeri, thanks for the note on Google Reader - I will gather some ideas for an upcoming post. Not sure if it would be on this blog or on Websites for Small Biz - depends on what I find a I need to say.
Thanks for becoming a reader of Sketching Out.
EG CameraGirl , Canada says
I will have to try this recipe. I've purchased almond milk and thought it was terrible.
Leora says
I like it so much better than the purchased almond milk. Quite a cream.
Susan Cooper says
I do like Almond milk, but haven;t really tried making my own. Part of that would be I just don't drink enough of it to make it worth my while. Never the less, I love the recipe and have book market it for later use. :-)
Leora says
You do have to be motivated to make it. Maybe if you have a friend visiting who can't tolerate dairy, and you want to make them a special treat.
Susan, if I ever decided to make your recipe for ambrosia fruit salad, I might use a homemade almond cream instead of the sour cream in your recipe. It would have a different taste, but it would still taste good.
Michelle-rambling woods says
hmmm..i may try this
Leora says
Good for you!
Batya says
This post has been included in me-ander: Kosher Cooking Carnival, Sivan 5773. Thanks for your participation. Please visit, comment and share, thanks.
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