Last week Mary asked for a “macro.” Not sure how close a macro is, but I did enjoy this bench of roses I found in New Brunswick.

A little more of the bench.

And here’s the bench in its setting on Easton Avenue in New Brunswick, New Jersey.
For more Ruby Tuesday pics, visit:

Yen says
We have a bench like this in our terrace in color green;-)Nice finds this week! Happy RT!
Ilana-Davita says
Great and original! Good find.
Patti says
Hi Leora,
Very nice red bench with its roses. I didn't share a macro shot, because I didn't have one (insert sad face here).
Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Felisol says
Dear Leora,
I love the Macro thing.
Are the roses carved in wood?
They were so decorative.
From Felisol
maryt/theteach says
Beautiful Macro shots! And the bench was painted in a lovely way leaving some of it unpainted, yes? Happy Ruby Tuesday! Let's do Macros again next week.
Carletta says
Isn't it something what we find as we look to satisfy a meme.
This was a wonderful find and I like how you went in close and gradually back out for us.
Mojo says
I'm not sure if it's distance or depth of field that defines a "macro", but I'd say you've met whatever criteria there might be. And if you haven't, so what? It's still a great photo -- great series actually.
Ralph says
Red is a soft and inviting color. Those benches look nicely detailed. What is more important is the positioning of these benches along the sidewalk. Much like a neighborhood where all knew all and what better than a place for the neighbors to gather! Alas, that was 75 years ago, well before the expansive suburbs were thw attraction. A nice view!
napaboaniya says
Lovely bench and the red is looking great in brass :)
Miranda says
I love the last pic, the way the leaves go around the railing. Nice Rubys!
Pia K says
Such pretty benches, I've seen a few similar ones here and there in Sweden too though then with the roses being blue and the wood dark brown. Striking in another way than this bright red ones. Happy RT!
ShutterHappyJenn says
Nice looking benches. I love the mix of colors on the roses designs.
My RT post is here if you want to visit it. I'd be glad if you do. Thanks!
ramblingwoods says
I didn't even remember that she asked for a macro..but that seems to meet the bill...
Sara Chapman in Seattle says
I like your three shots very much. Fave is maybe the middle one, but the group is wonderful. Great ruby, ruby red. Happy RT!
BABYLONEZOO (France) says
Magnifique et éclatant rouge
Sherrie says
That's a beautiful bench!! I have saw those in green and blue. Have a great day!!
JewWishes says
What a beauty of a bench! And, the photos are wonderful...I love the perspectives!
Dianne says
you really captured the detail! and thanks for the shot of the whole bench - I imagined it differently based on the close-ups
great shots!!
Jientje says
That is suchna vivid shade of red Leora, and that bench has such lovely detail! Perfect!
A Living Nadneyda says
My favorite? No. 2. Macro is my favorite camera setting, since it allows for a variety of focal qualities, especially fun when getting up close & personal with flowers.
soulbrush says
what awesome photos.
Raven says
Neat bench. I'd love to have a bench or two like that for my back porch. They are on my wish list.
Raven says
I really like those benches.
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