Week in Review with Azalea Blooms

On My Blog
The Rabbi, The Mayor and A Blue and White Parade in Edison, NJ
Today’s Flowers: Today’s Flowers: Chives, Columbine and Bleeding Heart
Sweet, Bittersweet and Painful
Upcoming in Highland Park: library book sale and the annual street fair (see my post from last year of the street fair)
Elsewhere in the Blogosphere
Robin of Around the Island is starting a new photo meme called Summer Stock Sunday. First edition will be Sunday, May 31. Get those summer pics ready!
I want to wish my friends recovering from surgery the strength and patience to heal. Ilana-Davita wrote a bit about her experience with recovery in this post. For another friend, who is here in Highland Park, I wish recovery and healing and growth and renewed energy.
A useful link that came up because we were talking passwords: How To Create a Tough Password That Cannot Be Cracked By Anyone
Ilana-Davita says
You are early. My own weekly review isn't ready yet and it's already Friday here!
Thanks for the link.
Jacob da Jew says
I just "discovered" azaleas and bought myself a nice small shrub. So pretty! My neighbor says that they are blooming now...so what? I'll have a bigger bush for next year!
Leora says
Jacob, now that's a gardener! Planning ahead for next spring. Ideally, it's great to plant perennials in the fall, so they don't have to weather the hot summer, but when I go to plant nurseries in the fall there are few plants.
I look forward to photos of your azaleas next spring.
I planted astilbes in my backyard because of you. We'll see how they do in the fall.
Jientje says
That's a great composition in your picture!! I love the bokeh! I hope you'll have a great weekend!!
Leora says
So glad you like it, Jientje! You have a great weekend, too.
Jew Wishes says
What a lovely photo! I will check out your links. I've been offline for the past ten days.
Robin says
Thanks for the link Leora, I'm really looking forward to Summer Stock's kickoff.
ramblingwoods says
Summer Stock sounds like fun....
Jewish Side says
that is such a pretty flower, the leaves make it look like slinky, as though the flower is being bounced up by the leaves.
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