Weekly Review with Snapdragon

On my blog
Sky Watch: Rainbow in Edison
Stained Glass at Etz Ahaim
Ruby Tuesday: Red Signs
Today’s Flowers: Gaillardia, Rudbeckia, Lambs Ears & more
Summer Stock: Beach Drawings
Nature Notes: Slow Seed
Tomato Sauce Alternative (beet with yam sauce)
JPIX will appear on this blog on Sunday morning, so please come back and visit.
Upcoming in Highland Park: a clothing drive for Yad Leah in Israel from 9:30 AM until 12:30 PM. at Congregation Ohav Emeth
(someone remind me on Sunday to bring in some clothes for them)
Gilad Shalit was three years in captivity on Thursday:
- Mother in Israel: Three Years of Waiting
- Baila: The Saddest Anniversary
- Occidental Israeli: Leave No Man Behind? On other Israeli soldiers left behind
- A Soldier’s Mother: A Son of Israel (a huge applause for her in all her hard, hard work in getting Gilad to be #3 in Trending topics in Twitter – I was honored to participate – it’s about letting the world know)
Iran: Its About the Women (hat tip: Ilana-Davita)
When we heard Dr. Kedar speak in Highland Park a few months ago, he had a similar message in general about Islam — they don’t want women to have freedom.
Ilana-Davita says
Looking forward to JPIX. I must remember to advertise it first thing Sunday morning along with the next installment of the MesorahProject.
Meanwhile Shabbat Shalom.
Jew Wishes says
It's been another busy blog week for you.
Leora says
Actually, this week was almost all photo memes, which take me a lot less time than other posts. It was more of a busy work week for me (although Thursday I spent a lot more time on Twitter tweeting #Gilad than I usually do).
I see I forgot to add the recipe, the one that took me the longest. I'll add it now.
Jew Wishes says
Oops, sorry, the snapdragon photo is wonderful.
flyingbubbie says
The flowers are finally EVERYWHERE!
Nicole says
Oh, now I know what you guys call this beautiful flower.
I like these a lot, but I doubt I've seen this coulour before.
ramblingwoods says
I love snapdragons..I had them at my former home, I should plant some here...
Ellie says
My grandma had this flower in her garden always - she called it - the puppies - because if you squeeze it - it looks like a barking dog - Shame of me - but as a kid I squeezed many of my grandma's puppies - she had them in different colors - but they bark the same :)
Sara Chapman in Seattle says
Wow, your snaps reseeded! I'm so impressed. Here in Seattle that's not gonna happen, I don't think. Lovely photo, and thanks for visiting. Sorry for the late return visit!
Leora says
Sara, any time a visit is welcome, especially for a comment about snapdragons.
Yes, I love that they do! I have them all over the front of my house now, along with the yellow black-eyed Susans and white alyssum. I have learned which flowers are happy in my soil.
medam says
I like these flowers. I too have them in my garden in various colors. Your photo is beautiful!
Carver says
The snapdragon is beautiful. Mine used to come back from seeds set in the fall but the past few years I haven't had any. I have a lot of plants like that which didn't come back during a drought but once it ended many still didn't come back.
I was sorry to read about the host of JPIX's mother on your top post and will send out good thoughts and prayers for her.
Please leave a comment! I love to hear from you.