Red Impatiens after the Rain
I should be packing, but what I do? Just take time for one Ruby Tuesday post, pretty please, with a raindrop on top. We are leaving for Cape May in the morning, and in less than an hour we are driving to north Jersey to pick up my son who has been at camp for one month.
For more posts with red, visit Ruby Tuesday:
One item that has been on my mind that I would love to share with you: I would like to start a new blog, one that is for business and technology posts. It would be geared toward small business people, technical and managerial. That way I could write a post on the cool MooTools menu that I put up this morning on a new client’s site (I can’t show it off yet; it’s not yet public) and expect an audience that might be interested in reading such a thing. Since many of you have been loyal or occasional readers of this blog, I would love to get your input. More on this topic when I return from Cape May. Thanks for reading.
Lindy MacDuff says
Really pretty macro of the impatiens! Hope you have a great time at Cape May.
Jim says
Can I take your place at Cape May? It is hot down here in Texas.
Happy RT!
Dimple says
Well, a technological blog is out of my element, but I love the impatiens! Wonderful with raindrops.
Leora says
See? You are the perfect audience for my love of posting flower and other pretty pics. Now I need to gradually develop an audience so I can talk techie stuff, too. Thanks for mentioning that part of my post. It's been on my mind. And rain has been in the sky - but the weather promises to be beautiful just in time for our trip.
moosh says
I hope you post some pictures from Cape May. Never been there. Good capture.
Jacob da Jew says
Love impatiens.
amanda says
Beautiful little flowers Leora, nice to see the water droplets! I don't see these too often out here in Calif but I know my mother had them in her garden as a child....
Leora says
Impatiens are common around here. They do need a lot of water, so they've been happy plants this summer.
James says
Excellent and vivid ruby red flowers.
Ellie says
I have no clue about technology - but I am sure you will get the audience interested - no matter what!
I like the rainy drops in that red beauty!
nonizamboni says
Have a wonderful time at Cape May and reunion with your son! Beautiful impatiens, the workhorse in the shade. I especially like the 'Cranberry' variety.
nadine1111 says
Very nice photo.
felisol says
The ever so blooming impatience is called "Industrious Lise" in Norway. She is like a busy bee, always going on and on blooming,-until I forget supplying her great thirst. Then she's irrevocably "Dead Lise" .
The techno site might be interesting.
I more and more understand, I'm a techno looser.
I'm not heading for any business though. I'm totally enjoying my retirement days.
Just don't want to loose grip on the reaal world.
From Felisol
Leora says
How could you possibly be a techno loser? You are one of my favorite bloggers. You use technology to bring joy and warmth to people's hearts. What could be better?
Enjoy retirement. My father worked all his life in the computer field; now he mostly uses his computer to place online orders and to email his financial planners and his lawyer so he can continue to enjoy his retirement.
felisol says
Dear Leora,
Thank you for those kind words. They somehow crept right in to my heart, and I save them there as a costly treasure.
From Felisol
Leora says
Felisol, so glad to hear that. You do bring such warmth with your comments and your blog. What a wonderful use of technology
Meikah Delid says
Lovely flower, and lovely shot! Flowers and plant are really happy when it rains. They get a certain glow. :) All the best for your new project! :)
Ilana-Davita says
Your flowers look refreshing and delicate.
I guess I'll visit your new blog as I find the idea interesting and enjoy learning new things. However I might not be able to understand all that much.
Will you assume that people know nothing about technology or are almost as savvy as you are?
Have a safe trip. When will you be back?
Leora says
Actually, the idea is that I can attract more "savvy" types as you call them. But if you or anyone else has questions, I would love to take the time to answer. I think I'm a natural teacher, though the idea of standing in a classroom to a group of teens who don't want to be there is not my thing (I know you have to do this again soon).
Just as when one teaches Torah, a good teacher can teach to both the educated and less-educated, one can do the same with business, tech, design, whatever. In fact, throwing in a little ethics every now and then might be refreshing, too.
Ilana-Davita says
I know you have to do this again soon
Next Tuesday in fact.
I agree that you are a great teacher and can be both concise and efficient. Two fine qualities.
"Ethics" would indeed be a most welcome addition.
Jane says
Safe travels Leora. I think you are very gifted with this blog, so I'm sure it will translate well to a technical blog. I for one will visit it, as I am keen to learn new things. Look forward to your posts of Cape May (forgive my ignorance, but where is it?) Sounds very New Englandish?
Leora says
Cape May is the southernmost tip of New Jersey. It is supposed to be a mecca for birds. Pretty beaches, Victorian-style homes. I'm bringing two cameras, one for when we are close to the car (the heavy one) and one for longer hikes (the Powershot, it's lightweight).
Jane says
PS We call this flower Busy Lizzy.
Frumteacher says
Dear Leora,
Thanks for being such a faithful follower, despite my lowsy blogging of late!
Patti V. says
Hi Leora,
I love the red impatiens. So pretty with the raindrops!
My tech-oriented son (18) might be interested in your new blog idea
He is a computer engineering major/computer science minor and lives and breathes computers, it seems.
Enjoy your Cape May vacation.
Wow, you must have missed your son! That's a long time for camp.
Leora says
Ah, I bet your son and my son would get along.
I will need guest posters or folks to interview, too. Enthusiasm and some knowledge would be the main requirements. Ability to write in English helps, though I could edit, too.
Patti V. says
Hi Leora!
Cameron is quite enthusiastic about technology and I'll bet he would do a guest post. He is a good writer, if I do say so myself.
Just send me an e-mail if you want me to ask him..
Jew Wishes says
What a beautiful photo...and the droplets add to the loveliness.
Enjoy your time away!
Jew Wishes says
This loyal reader would definitely visit your new blog.
EG wow says
Lovely photo of an old favorite, Leora. Enjoy your holiday and all the best with your new blog. I would be interested in seeing what your new blog is all about. ;-)
Leora says
Thanks for comment on my upcoming tech blog. I wrote a whole post on several pages of an old notebook on our car ride down here to Cape May. Happy that we have wireless in this pretty little motel (Blue Fish Inn).
James says
Beautiful photo! Have a great trip to Cape May! I look forward to reading your new blog, it world definitely fit into my line of work.
Gail says
Can't wait to see your Cape May photos. We used to go there with our kids every summer, but now they are older and have too many other things going on to be able to go. Enjoy it while you can, Leora! I miss visiting - Cape May became like our home away from home. Such pretty gardens, beautiful Victorian homes and of course, the beach. Have a great trip!
Leora says
We've been here a few hours, and I already love it! Gentle and pretty.
Dianne says
lovely little flowers
have a great time, looks like the weather is going to be wonderful the next few days - good timing
Ralph says
The feeling of depth is what the rain drops give. A beautiful flower, delicate looking yet strong and impressive in its lovely ruby. The flower is a sliver of red in the green world that surrounds it...
Happily Retired Gal says
Beautiful RUBY macro photograph! I sure wish WE'd get some rain here ... though I confess it was lovely to swim under sunny blue skies this morning ;--)
Enjoy your trip!
Hugs and blessings,
Gemma says
Thosde impatiens look so wonderfully bright and fresh! I am very interested in knowing more about your techie blog! Happy holiday!
Carver says
I love the way your impatiens look with the rain drops on them. I hope you have a great tripe to Cape May.
Ellie says
I see Nadine made it! Few little words - giant step in blogging! :)
ramblingwoods says
Beautiful photo..we too got rain...
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