Upcoming In Central Jersey

Two upcoming events, one for job hunters and networking and one for fun, to raise money for terror victims:
- ParnasaFest in East Brunswick: What’s a ParnasaFest? A chance for Jewish professionals to network. The upcoming event will be at 7:00 pm on September, 10 at B’nai Shalom Congregation, Fern Rd & Old Stage Rd.
Learn more on the ParnasaFest website. - One Family Fund festival: Join family and friends in Highland Park for a One Family Fund festival to raise money for victims of terror on Labor Day, September 7, 2009. The festival will Feature: 3 on 3 basketball tournament, softball, arts & crafts, face painting and Mini Carnival. Admission: $18 individuals, $36 family (parents and children); $100 family plus “patron” status. To register visit www.onefamilyfund.org/FUNDAY or call 646-289-8600 ext. 202. Pizza, snacks, and refreshments will be sold. All proceeds from this event go to helping victims of terror in Israel and their families.
Note: the One Family Fund website seems to be down…
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Thank you to Esser Agaroth for including in the latest issue of Haveil Havalim my post interviewing artist Elke Reva Sudin.
Ellie says
I was horrified by the ticket price, but then I realized it goes for charity! It sounds like a noble cause!
Leora says
We might go. Yes, it's an organization to which we donate in any case; nice to get a few hours of fun with our daughter to go with the donation.
ramblingwoods says
I thought the ticket price was high at first..but then I saw charity....
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