Pre-Sukkot Links

- Spray-painted swastikas at an Edison synagogue and the arrest of a teenager accused of harassing three Jewish residents of Highland Park (hat tip: Cosmic X)
- For Sukkot: an etrog with a gartel (Isramom)
- Aravot tree: Now this is impressive (Mrs. S.) – ours is still tiny
- With the Jewish New Year comes a new sanctuary at Highland Park temple
After that bad news of antisemitism* in Edison, New Jersey, I had to post some good news of the Temple in Highland Park re-opening its sanctuary three years after a terrible fire. I haven’t been inside the new sanctuary, but at some point I’ll go over there with my camera and take photos.
Someone remarked that the shortest Yom Kippur service in Highland Park is at the Temple. The longest is where we attend, Congregation Etz Ahaim – not even a break this year. One of the reasons is the beautiful piyutim (liturgical poetic songs) sung by our visiting chazzan, Refael Ishran. I started listening to the CD of the chazzan in the hopes of preparing a post about the piyutim. Stay tuned.
*If you want to know why I spelled antisemitism without a hyphen, you will have to take Prof. Roni Stauber course on the History of Zionism, coming to you online for free sometime later this fall. Stay tuned for more on that, too.
Risa says
Sad about the antisemitism. Let's hope it doesn't escalate.
Thanks for the link.
Chag Sameach!
Robin from Israel says
What a beautiful painting, you have a real gift.
Chag Sukkot sameach.
JewWishes says
What a lovely painting, soft and flowing with beauty.
The antisemitism story is disturbing.
Mrs. S. says
No break? That IS long! What time did you start in the morning?
Thanks for the link, and may you and your family have a chag same'ach!
Leora says
No break for my husband (I came late and left early - benefits of taking care of a seven year old). I believe they started at 8:30 am? But because of the chazzan (there is also someone's father from France who layns beautifully), it is such a pleasant, inspiring tefila. They do have that auction in the middle, and the only person who works hard at that point is the president.
Chag same'ach to you, too!
Jack says
Chag sameach. Nice painting, I like the soft colors.
Leora says
Thanks for the visit, Jack.
Ilana-Davita says
Mixed feelings about your post: the bad and the good. Very peaceful painting.
Leora says
I'm not sure how to react to the antisemitism, either. On the one hand, I could say the guy over in what was once Persia is a much greater threat, this is no big deal. On the other hand, one must pay attention. We live an area where there are a lot of visible Jews. Some are showing they don't like us here.
Note: the first attack was on a Yeshiva student. The second on a Conservative temple. The two may not mingle in their own lives, but to the antisemite, they are the same.
Ilana-Davita says
but to the antisemite, they are the same.
Indeed for them a Jew is a Jew.
Malka Esther says
Great picture.
It has been sad on the recent incidents in town.
The outside of the conservative shul looks great.
Leora says
Thanks, yes and yes.
gp says
sounds like you had a beautiful and blessed yom kippur.. always so sad to read about anti-semitism rearing it's head
Mottel says
great painting!
ramblingwoods says
Lovely watercolor. My FIL was so concerned about what he thought was the rise in antisemitism prior to his death.. Sadly incidents like this show that he could have been right....Michelle
Cosmic X says
Thanks for the hat tip. Did you really learn about the incident from reading my blog?
Hope to report about happier things.
Chag Sameach!
Leora says
I did indeed. Your feed is in my Google Reader. I don't read the Home News Tribune regularly, just when I want to look up a local news event.
Chag Sameach.
Ellie says
Leora, this is very beautiful. I don't know about this leaves, bot your aquarel is precious!
Leora says
Ellie, glad you are dropping in. We are in the midst of our holidays, and I am trying to squeeze in work in between it all, so blogging gets low priority. Nice to hear from you.
The aravot (willow leaves) are part of the 4 species that are special on this holiday of Sukkot. Maybe next year I'll do a painting of an etrog.
Jacob Da Jew says
Have you seen my esrog? I posted a picture...
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