Review with Hibiscus

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Elsewhere in the Blogosphere
- I admire Ilana-Davita for being able to write beautifully about spirituality in the parsha the same week she starts teaching school again.
- Jew Wishes reviewed Laish, by Aharon Appelfeld. When I first started blogging, I wrote about Appelfeld.
- G6 remembers how her father blew the shofar.
- On this day in 1609 the Maharal of Prague, Rabbi Judah Loew Ben Bezalel, passed away: “…For many the Marhal’s greatest claim to fame was tied to a fictional creation called the Legend of the Golem. That legend is a medieval version of the story of Frankenstein, according to which the Maharal breathed life into a human-like figure by sticking a slip of paper with the Tetragrammaton to his forehead.”
I started working on my tech-business blog, and I wrote a whole post about it. On a piece of paper. That I haven’t re-read in over a week. Maybe I’ll have something coherent to say about my new upcoming blog on Sunday or Monday. Meanwhile, this existing blog is where I give myself permission to talk about struggle. Does one really have to present oneself as never struggling in order to be successful? I don’t think so.
Mrs. S. says
Does one really have to present oneself as never struggling in order to be successful?
I would say that the opposite is true. IMHO, success means overcoming challenges - i.e. struggling.
Shabbat Shalom!
Ilana-Davita says
Lovely photo!
Thank you Leora for your the link to my blog.
I'll try to write about my first two days at school on Saturday evening if nothing crops up then.
Shabbat Shalom!
Jew Wishes says
How lovely the hibiscus look as they show their colorful blouses through the leaves.
Thank you for the link!
In my mind, success includes the struggles of the journey.
Shabbat Shalom!
Melissa says
You inspire me.
Shabbat Shalom!
Batya says
Where's the link to the blog you mentioned?
Leora says
You mean my new tech biz blog? So far, the whole blog is mostly in my head. I hope to blog about it more later this week. I apologize for not being clear about that!
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