Thursday Challenge: Flight

This is probably a greater black-backed gull. Thursday Challenge theme is FLIGHT (Birds, Insects, Kites, Helicopters, Jets, Boomerang,…). Nature Notes is brought to us by Michelle of Rambling Woods. I didn’t include the nature note button this week because the colors conflicted with the photo and upset the mood.
NatureFootstep says
lol, right from the back. :)
ramblingwoods says
Oh colors upset your mood. LOL.... You caught the grace in the bird's flight beautifully Leora...Happy Nature Notes...
Nukke says
Very Nice !!!!!!
Ilana-Davita says
I was just going to type "very nice" but then noticed Nukke said that. So I'll switch to stunning and inspiring.
NatureFootstep says
you were looking at what seems to be called "hedgehog mushrooms" :)
Leora says
Oh, thanks. So funny, how I left my laptop for maybe an hour(?) with it open to your blog, and when I came back, I had a comment from you on *my* blog, and I hadn't even looked at your blog yet. You are very in tune to your visitors.
RJ Flamingo says
I am absolutely no good with gulls. Lord knows I've tried to tell them apart, but can't seem to get them narrowed down beyond black head, black wing-tip, white head... well, you get the idea. :-)
This is a great shot, Leora!
Gemma says
Love the wing shape in low flight of this gull! Wonderful capture!
Jew Wishes says
Leora! What a beautiful and stunning photo, capturing the bird's flight so wonderfully.
Such grace, such flow, and such a lovely moment you have brought us.
Caron says
Now that's a shot I am sure I would not get with my point and shoot. ;)
I have a friend who went to USCG boot camp in Cape May.
Leora says
That's why I call my new 75mm-300mm lens my "birding" lens. Though I've discovered it's still difficult to capture the birds with the camera. They don't stay still long. Or come near you. Unless they are pigeons. Or some gulls.
Carver says
What a beautiful shot of the bird in flight!
Vicki says
Beautiful shot! I love the way the wings lie on the horizon.
James says
This is a wonderful capture of a bird in flight.
Marju says
Beautiful photos!
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