Playing with Fire

Each night of Chanukah we light one more candle, until by the eighth night we have eight candles lit. This is to remember the miracle that happened in the Temple a long time ago, when one little container of oil that should have lasted for only one day lasted for eight. In the photo are four orange candles for the fourth night, and the purple one called the “shamash.” The shamash is an extra one, the helper; the shamash lights the other candles. One can choose any colors; my daughter picked these colors. My sons and husband use an oil chanukiah (menorah), as the one in the Temple used oil.
I’ve been taking many photos of the lights, or as the title of this post declares, I’ve been “playing with fire.” Here’s the photo of the candles on a jar, using the warp tool in Photoshop as instructed in this tutorial on the warp tool effect.
Robin from Israel says
I love what you did with the jar, that is so cool!
Leora says
Thanks. The tutorial made it seem easy, but the edges are tricky. Fun to do.
Ilana-Davita says
Stunning effect. You really are good with all these tutorials and then what you make out of them!
Leora says
Thanks, Ilana-Davita.
G6 says
Nice shot!
Cool trick.
ramblingwoods says
I like that effect very much. I will check out the tutorial..but sometimes even with the help, I still can't get the effect properly....Michelle
Leora says
You can always try! It was amazing, the way the warp tool allowed you to wrap a photo.
Helena says
Your candles are so beautiful. I love the effects you did on the jar.
Thanks for stopping by!
Prizler Photography says
Gosh, I love how you wrapped it around the can. So, what if you actually printed the photo and glued it on the can... placed new candles inside and give as a gift?!!
Leora says
We actually do something just like that with oatmeal containers on Purim -
Caron says
Nice work on the can. That is a neat effect.
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