Ballerina in Teal

This blog got an overhaul this morning, but you may not notice many changes (feel free to comment on the ones you do notice). I updated the theme of the blog to a child of the Twenty Ten theme. What does that mean in English? It just means the code is more 2010 than the previous theme, which I created myself from scratch in 2007. So it helps me out technically with adding new plugins to the blog, such as the Add This plugin so you can easily share a post on your favorite social media site, such as Facebook or Twitter.
There is a contest on my other site, Websites for Small Biz, that offers free postcards. Yay – my first giveaway. Stay tuned to either of these blogs to learn more.
The girl? She’s my daughter in Winter 2009. She’s taller now and even more graceful a dancer.
Rayna Eliana says
How lovely, such a beautiful ballerina in teal. I love the contrasts against the greyscale.
Ilana-Davita says
I like the recent Wordpress layouts which enable you to subscribe to new posts without checking the RSS Feed. i'll go and check the other post.
Laura says
Lovely photo--very Degas.
I wish I could see what your blog looked like before the changes so that I could compare the old and the new.
Carletta says
I love the selective coloring in this beautiful image! I just read below her dance school is closing. I hope you find somewhere else for her. She has such beautiful form in this shot.
I have no idea the computer terms of which you speak but my hats off to you and I wish you well in your endeavors.
Leora says
I try to keep this blog less technical - lots of photo, some art, some books, some holidays. But I do work on the technical pieces in the background, and it's nice to mention it, in case some of you out there get the techy pieces.
Crafty Green poet says
lovely photo of your daughter and what a beautiful colour her dress is!