Review with Pink Azalea

On My Blog
Elsewhere in the Blogosphere
- Ilana-Davita presents a beautiful, international spring edition of JPiX. And thank you to Batya (see her mini-JPiX) for volunteering to do an edition of JPiX in early August.
- Rivki wonders how one responds to the downfall of one’s enemy.
- At some point I should try this Spicy Lentil Soup.
- My friend Julie has just started blogging, about Israel, art and whatever else inspires her. I hope you will visit and encourage her.
- Ilana-Davita reviews My Race: A Jewish Girl Growing Up Under Apartheid in South Africa
- Risa honors her father’s memory: “if my daughter doesn’t get the education, my son won’t either.”
- Their Eyes Were Dry, a documentary directed by Brandon Assanti, tells the story of the 1974 terrorist attack in Ma’alot, Israel where children were taken hostage by three Palestinian terrorists. The film will play at numerous places in the U.S. on May 9, including North Brunswick Regal Cinema.
- Two Jews were among the 15 killed in Moroccan cafe bombing – so sad, they leave a two-year-old.
Rivki @ Life in the Married Lane says
Thanks for the link! Those azaleas are gorgeous. I wish more flowers were blooming in Cleveland, but, alas, it's still chilly here!
Leora says
You are welcome and Shabbat Shalom!
Ilana-Davita says
Lovely thumbnails!
The soup is tempting for later as the weather is already very hot.
Thank you for including my posts. I hope to put up my own review in a few minutes.
Leora says
We haven't had much hot yet - it's been a cool spring, with ample rain. Hot soup is still tempting.
Risa says
Thanks for mentioning my post about my father. I knew you would like that line. No question that contributed a lot to making me what I am today!
Leora says
I also like reading about how he studied math with you. Reminds me a bit of my own husband - dedicated to his children.
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