Sketching Out Blog: Sketches of art, watercolor, photos, recipes, books, interviews, Jewish topics, and Highland Park, New Jersey

Review at the Zoo with Giraffes

giraffes at Philadelphia Zoo
Two giraffes at the Philadelphia Zoo

Elsewhere in the Blogosphere

  • Michelle is recovering from breast cancer surgery, and she is blogging about … taking care of herself by resting.
  • Lorri has been reading and reviewing books. I hope to read this book called Triumph and Tragedy about life in Poland and its Jewish communities.
  • Stuck on what to blog about? Jeri has an exercise that might help.
  • Just because you read a study in a well-known newspaper does not mean it is a well-done study: Chris Kesser talks about confounding factors in this article on Red Meat and TMAO. “The healthy user bias is one of the main reasons it’s so difficult to infer causality from epidemiological relationships. For example, say a study shows that eating processed meats like bacon and hot dogs increases your risk of heart disease. Let’s also say, as the healthy user bias predicts, that those who eat more bacon and hot dogs also eat a lot more refined flour (hot dog and hamburger buns), sugar and industrial seed oils, and a lot less fresh fruits, vegetables and soluble fiber. They also drink and smoke more, exercise less and generally do not take care of themselves very well. How do we know, then, that it’s the processed meat that is increasing the risk of heart disease rather than these other things—or perhaps some combination of these other things and the processed meat?”
Lorri says

You have had a full blogging week!

Chris Kesser raises good questions regarding how do we know which food is increasing our heart disease risk, if not all of them combined.

Thanks for the link!

Leora says

One of the reasons I linked to his post was not even the heart disease issue but the fact that he explained why the studies recently published may not be telling the whole story. I am trying to learn statistics terms like "confounding factors" and "overmatching" (a different study had this term). It seems many recent studies published in mainstream media then have others posting why the study wasn't adequately done.

My review is really from the past month - a monthly review seems more doable.

Thank you so much for your comments, Lorri!

Carletta says

Giraffes are long necked beauties for sure!
The meat review was interesting Leora. I think too many times studies aren't adequately done. As far as eating, I think we need to think of food in moderation. Fresh is always better but the occasional hotdog or piece of bacon probably isn't all that bad.
Glad you stopped by today! :)

Leora says

Everyone has their own approach to eating - I prefer giving up some "foods" completely.

Thanks for coming by here, Carletta.


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