Sketching Out Blog: Sketches of art, watercolor, photos, recipes, books, interviews, Jewish topics, and Highland Park, New Jersey

Recipe: Creamy Egg Salad without Mayonnaise

eggs in a bowl watercolor
I have been working on a recipe for egg salad. I do not want to use store-bought mayonnaise due to the unhealthy oils in the mayonnaise. Homemade mayonnaise is too much trouble to make. So how does one make egg salad creamy?

I came up with what I call an un-recipe: I suggest the ingredients, and you decide the amounts. Just about everything is optional. Well, not the eggs. Using real salt is a good idea, too (basically, use unrefined salt, not the kind that is all white — that stuff is like eating glass). There really is a brand called Real salt that I like and was recommended to me by a friend, but you can use any kind of unrefined salt.


3 – 5 hard-boiled eggs
1 soft-boiled egg (adds to the moisture and creaminess)
Real salt (unrefined)

Choose 1 or 2 or more:
Chopped celery
Chopped sweet onion
Chopped radish
Chopped pickle

Possible herbs (chop finely):
Parsley, sage, basil, dill, chervil

Wet ingredients:
Mustard, tehina, water, lemon juice, cold-pressed olive oil

Spices (optional): cumin, paprika, chili powder, turmeric (Note: I often just use salt and skip the spices).

Chop the vegetables first. Slice the hard-boiled eggs with an egg slicer (if you have one). Add the soft-boiled egg. Add the wet ingredients, the salt, and any spices. Mash it all up. Add the chopped herbs.

Especially if it is your first time making this, add the “wet” ingredients in small amounts. These combined with yolks of the eggs will make your mayo. Add more water or olive oil after the first tasting if the egg salad needs to be creamier.

Enjoy! This is a great recipe for Seudah Shlishit, the meal that observant Jews eat at the end of Shabbat.

eggs on a colorful napkin cloth watercolor

Lorri M. says

I love this painting. The eggs, and egg cup contrast so nicely. The presentation on the lovely placemat enhances the flow and beauty of the blended tones. It makes for a wonderful setting, and adds to the mood.

Great recipe. I use all the spices except for sage, which I am allergic to. I add a bit of ginger, turmeric, and rosemary.

Such stunning work! ๐Ÿ’œ

Leora says

Thank you for your appreciative comment on my painting. I enjoyed added the colorful placemat, although I must say painting complicated patterns like that fabric is challenging.

I added turmeric to my spice suggestions. I also added a soft-boiled egg, as I discovered one of my eggs this week came out soft-boiled, and it was a great addition to the recipe.

Leora W says

I am going to try this for Shabbos. Doesnโ€™t look complicated at all. Easy. Thank you

Leora says

Leora, I hope you like it. And thanking you for leaving a comment!


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