Chanukah Night Three
Three oil lamps and a shamash (the helper lamp) shine bright on the third night of Chanukah, watercolor on paper
Web Developer and Artist, Highland Park, New Jersey
Three oil lamps and a shamash (the helper lamp) shine bright on the third night of Chanukah, watercolor on paper
The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Deception by Rand Paul are featured in this ink and watercolor of a waiting room in New Jersey.
Bench in Jerusalem with colorful ivy, watercolor on paper
Three pots on a wall in Yemin Moshe, Jerusalem, Israel
Butternut squash, red onion, garlic, Thanksgiving 2023, watercolor with ink on paper
Autumn leaf, watercolor on paper
Yemin Moshe, a neighborhood outside of the Old City of Jerusalem, gouache on paper
Bulk Trash Day in Highland Park, NJ, gouache, ink, and watercolor on paper
Shir Hamaalot in Hebrew, Song of Ascents in English, with musical note, flowers, and steps, illustration in watercolor, pencil, and ink.
Like an eagle who rouses its nestlings,
Gliding down to its young
Ha’Azinu 32:11
Illustration in ink and watercolor