Week in Review with Tulip

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Mrs. S. says
Nice picture! I especially like that single drop of water on the tulip.
Shabbat Shalom!
G6 says
Stunning photo...
Dhaval Jani says
Beautiful picture!!! Love the Orange and DOF(Depth of Field)!
Leora says
Thanks! Depth of Field (Robin of http://aroundtheisland.blogspot.com/ talk me the word "bokeh") is one of my favorites. If you have any tips on how to achieve good depth of field shots, would love to hear. Good to see you again last night at the HPPL social media talks.
Dhaval Jani says
Intresting!!! new word for me hehe… I am not even close to pro… I my 3 yr old kodak 5mp point and shoot with 10x optical in manual modes most of time… One simple rule to get DOF is lower F stop. Here is a very interesting tutorial for the same
But here is my easy to understand guide
1) its good to get close but its better to keep little more distance and zoom in(optical zoom)
2) lock the focus by pressing shutter half and
3) click done
P.S one should always check their camera’s specs for macro mode distance
Ilana-Davita says
Great shot and I like the "bokeh" there too!
Shabbat Shalom from someone who should really be in her kitchen.
robert says
With respect to the speaking engagements, that's why its important to have an agent! Of course, I don't have one ...
Leora says
Agent, hmm. That's a few levels up from where I am now...public speaking is new for me.
AscenderRisesAbove says
if you could taste that tulip... it would be orange sherbet!
Leora says
Orange sherbert...yes, I like that description!
Shimshonit says
Beautiful. Such a unique color--like a sunset. And beautifully photographed.
Leora says
Sometimes I just hit the right photo with my many shots. I really like this orange sunset tulip, too.
2sweetnsaxy says
What a gorgeous shot of the tulip and what an awesome color!
ramblingwoods says
Wow..that drop on the tulip is amazing..Great macro Leora..