Today’s Flowers: Purple Lobelia
You can compare these photos with my photos of the purple lobelia last summer. Those were taken with my Canon Power Shot; these new ones are taken with my Canon Rebel xTi.

Update: Sara Rall (on her first visit to this blog, welcome) thinks this may be a moth mullein.
SandyCarlson says
I love these shots. It is nice to have the names of your flowers. Thanks. Beautiful. Really lovely.
Tammie says
These are quite lovely. I did not know what lobelia looks like.
Jew Wishes says
I love the photos...the lobelia looks so delicate.
Denise says
What a shame that pretty yellow flower was eaten by the groundhog! Your lobelia are also very pretty, all great photos. Thank you for sharing.
April says
Beautiful photos! The lobelia is a fascinating flower.
Kathy says
I have seen those purple flower around town. I bet they would look really pretty as a backdrop in a flower bed. Great shots. =)
Pat - Arkansas says
Beautiful lobelia! Poor little yellow flower; I hope the groundhog enjoyed it!
Thanks for sharing your lovely photos.
Ilana-Davita says
The new camera makes the flowers stand out more it seems.
They look like the sort of flowers that enjoy a damp and mild climate.
Very nice.
No idea about the mystery flower, sorry.
Leora says
Thanks for the earlier and later comparison of cameras.
I am guessing the flower is some kind of weed that just happened to look pretty!
nance says
I love the deep purple color of Lobelia, never heard of that flower i know. ;)
Marju says
Beautiful photos!
sandy says
wonderfully clear shots sandy
guild-rez says
Lovely pictures of a pretty lobelia!!
What is a weed - a plant out of place?
Carletta says
The flowers are much more prominent for sure in these images compared with your previous ones. Nice DOF in these.
I've had my camera since Christmas and I wouldn't go back to anything less. :)
My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.
Leora says
Thanks for your comments about the two different sets of photos taken with different cameras. The water park photos in the post below are also taken with my Canon Power Shot (I dare not bring a big camera into the water park - too much to worry about). I can easily tell the difference in the style of the photos.
Sara Rall says
Hi, I stumbled on your sight through the NJ playgrounds site, and just wanted to say I'm 95% sure your beautiful yellow flower is a moth mullein.
Leora says
Thank you so much, Sara! I'm going to add some links to moth mullein to the post.
Regina says
Lovely blooms.
Grace Olsson says
Lovely flower, dear
Have a nice week and I hope to see u again, very soon
Reader Wil, Netherlands says
Very beautiful macro flowers, Leora.
mimi says
love the purple flower colors, my ever favorite color.
promise says
what a dainty purple flowers.
nonizamboni says
You must be loving the results from your new camera! Perfect captures...thanks for sharing from your beautiful garden.
Arja says
Your mystery flower is one of the Brassica family, something like Broccoli or a wild version.
Leora says
I looked on Google images, and I dare say you are right! Maybe it's from a discarded piece of broccoli that grew and flowered. Thanks.
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