Most all the leaves are now brown. Above is a multi-colored branch from East Jersey Olde Towne in Piscataway, taken two weeks ago.

My oak hydrangea (photographed last week) is even redder than it was a few weeks ago. What color.
For more photos with red, visit Ruby Tuesday:

Patti V. says
It's so sad when the beautifully vibrant autumn leaves shrivel and fall off their branches. Ah, nature's cycle.
Your close-up photos are very pretty. Happy Ruby Tuesday!.
felisol says
Never heard of oak hydrangea. Beautiful leaves though. Does it bloom as well?
My ordinary blue hydrangeas did not bloom until September, and there're still some flowers left.
You are of course right of Mid-winter being a light feast. Ancient celebration of the turning of the sun.
I do however embrace the fact that we are a religious, a spiritual people.
So many tries to drag us down to hollow commercialism.
I triumph every time reality out-beats the cynics.
Our seven lights in the windows are of course of Jewish origin.
I embrace that too.
From Felisol
Leora says
If you click on the tag for hydrangea and scroll down, you can see the oak leaf hydrangea in bloom.
Or here's the direct link to the bloom:
Ralph says
The reds are fading as they await winter's cold. But they look nice if slightly washed out. Rubies they remain, and December seems to be the month that reds, any and all, are in style...
eden says
Those are excellent shots. I love the colours of Autumn, my favourite time of the year.
Happy Ruby Tuesday.
My Ruby Tuesday
amanda says
Beautiful colors Leora, wonderful tribute to the seasons!
Marites says
I just love autumn colors. They are beautiful! Nice captures! :)
ramblingwoods says
We had a bit of snow last night and I think a storm in coming later in the week that might get you too. I am going to miss the fall foliage...Pretty photos... Michelle
Leora says
Oh, we'll probably just get cold rain. Too bad - I bet you would prefer the rain, and I prefer the snow.
Robin from Israel says
I really like that first shot. The red of the leaves stands out well against the paler background. Nice use of depth of field too.
Mar says
Beautiful shots!! love those read leaves.
Happy RT, mine is posted here.
marian says
i love autumn foliage..the darker leaves are divine :)
Hootin' Anni says
Oh my gosh....the photos are stunning!!!
Happy Tuesday....my Ruby entry is holiday--a continuation of one I did several weeks ago...it's finished now, and decorating our mantle!! come see HERE
toby says
Those are both stunning! Did you see my foliage shot from yesterday? Suffice it to say that it fit the Mellow Yellow theme much better than Ruby Tuesday... :)
Kim says
They are so gorgeous, our trees here are all brown now. Thankfully we don't have snow yet ^_^
Ruby Tuesday-Christmas Tree
Crafty Green poet says
beautiful foliage, most of our leaves have been blown away by now...
Ilana-Davita says
Your foliage photos are stunning.
Dianne says
I love these deep rich colors!
mizhelle says
those are great shots! :)
u may view mine if u have time
Jew Wishes says
What beauties, Leora! I love the textures and contrasts. But, what I really enjoy looking at is the delicate look that you have captured in each one.
EG Wow! says
Fabulous memories of a lovely autumn!
storyteller at Small Reflections says
What lovely autumn views ... perfect for Ruby Tuesday! Love your daughter's drawings too ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Carver says
What a beautiful shot of the autumn foliage.
scribbler says
Oh so lovely, you're a great photographer indeed.
Leora says
Thank you! And welcome to my blog.
Please leave a comment! I love to hear from you.