Review with Fallen Blossoms

On My Blog
Elsewhere Online
- Shimshonit hosted her first Kosher Cooking Carnival. Wonderful, Shimshonit!
- A friend sent a link to this article about a sex abuser in New York. If you read the story, you will note the abuser had himself been abused as a child: Rabbi Sentenced 32 Years For Sexually Abusing Teen – “In a surprise courtroom revelation, the judge read portions of Lebovits’ probation report, where the rabbi confided to authorities that he himself was a victim of sexual abuse, when he was a boy. Lebovits said he was victimized the first time by an uncle in London, when he was just 11-years-old. He said a teenager abused him again, a year later, when he was 12.”
- If you take photos of bridges, please participate in the Sunday Bridge meme.
Ilana-Davita says
You are early; mine isn't quite finished yet.
Concerning sex abusers I wonder if there are more of them or if the problem is just less hidden. Maybe a bit of both.
Leora says
I strongly suspect it has just been hidden. In almost any organization where there are leaders who take care of teens (the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts are the obvious examples), there have been sex abusers. As this convicted rabbi said himself, he was an abused teen. But no one talked about it then, so the cycle continued. Perhaps in this case it will stop.
Jew Wishes says
I am sure it has been hidden, and that there are more, not matter the religion or organization. It isn't unique to any one organization or religion.
Leora says
"It isn’t unique to any one organization or religion." - yes, true
Thanks for your comment on this difficult topic.
hihorosie says
I love the collection of pics and I also love the fallen blossoms. Looks like light pink snow. :) Enjoy your weekend!
Laura Hegfield says
Lovely photo:)
Carver says
I think I like blossoms as much on the ground as in the tree. These look like a beautiful and fanciful carpet.
Leora says
I agree! I was enchanted by the blossoms as I drove by them last week. It was enough of an inspiration to walk over with my camera a few hours later.
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