Red Pomegranate Seeds
I bought a pomegranate a month ago for Rosh Hashana, and it was disappointing and too white inside, not quite ripe. The seeds were bitter. On a whim, I decided to try again on Friday and was pleased to find bright red pomegranate seeds inside the pomegranate.
Pomegranates have Vitamin C, anti-oxidants and are considered to be anti-inflammatory.
Ralph says
These are fine rubies - the pomegranate seeds not only look luscious, they have that unique sweet crunchy texture. Seeds we can eat - neat!
Kim,USA says
Leora, these shots are so beautiful!
Collage of Roses
Lola says
So ruby red!
Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Here’s mine!
Karen says
Like little jewels. I love pomegranates!
Carletta says
Love that first closeup!
The little red seeds have a ruby glow!
Pekka says
Something good to eat? Very difficult to find here in Finland. :-)
Helen Campbell says
Pomegranates are so pretty!
Ilana-Davita says
Lovely dark red!
felisol says
Your pomegranates are looking so delicious, I want to go to nearest finer grocery store and buy at least one.
For forty years I know knew pomegranate from King Solomon and his Song of Songs.
I actually was a bit disappointed when I first tasted one. Such small parts of the fruit were edible. Then I tried again, and wow, tasty! Expensive though, 3 US dollars for one granate-apple as they are called here.
Liz says
So red... and healthy!
My entries:
Moms...Check Nyo
Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA says
So you went back to the first one? That can't be. You must mean you tried a different one purchased at the same time. They do ripen a bit off the tree. I used to live in Northern California, and people did grow them there. That and persimmons, look so nice hanging on the trees, about this time of year. Love the glistening ruby color of your pretty seeds.
Jama says
I can easily find the pomegranate tree here, almost all Chinese would have a pot of them outside their home, something about good luck I think..
Robin from Israel says
Yum, I love pomegranates!
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lina @women's perspectives says
I should try this!
dianne says
they look so juicy!
EG Wow says
Yum! I very much like pomegranates.
Louis la Vache says
Excellent choice for Ruby Tuesday!