Two upcoming events, one for job hunters and networking and one for fun, to raise money for terror victims:
ParnasaFest in East Brunswick: What’s a ParnasaFest? A chance for Jewish professionals to network. The upcoming event will be at 7:00 pm on September, 10 at B’nai Shalom Congregation, Fern Rd & Old Stage Rd. Learn more on the ParnasaFest website.
One Family Fund festival: Join family and friends in Highland Park for a One Family Fund festival to raise money for victims of terror on Labor Day, September 7, 2009. The festival will Feature: 3 on 3 basketball tournament, softball, arts & crafts, face painting and Mini Carnival. Admission: $18 individuals, $36 family (parents and children); $100 family plus “patron” status. To register visit or call 646-289-8600 ext. 202. Pizza, snacks, and refreshments will be sold. All proceeds from this event go to helping victims of terror in Israel and their families.
Note: the One Family Fund website seems to be down…
Plants at Edge of Pond at Howell Living History Farm, New Jersey
Beautiful flowery plants grow next to the pond at Howell Living History Farm in Mercer County, New Jersey. Can anyone identify these orange or fuchsia wildflowers? Kerry identified the orange ones as jewel weed.
Pond with Ducks at Howell Living History Farm
Creek at Howell Living History Farm, Fun for a Run in the Water
Isn’t this creek welcoming? Three little girls thought so; you can see one in the creek in last week’s post with watercolor effect applied.
Bridge over the Delaware River from Pennsylvania side to New Jersey
A few photos from our trip to Washington Crossing Historical Park in Washington Crossing, PA: lots of cars and vans cross this busy, narrow bridge over the Delaware River.
Watch out: the bridge may be icy (not a chance on this August day).
Here’s a sculpture of George Washington crossing the Delaware River with U.S. flags waving.
I was wondering if this red leaf signifies fall is coming? Or is it a sign of an unhealthy tree, that is turning red too soon?
For more photos with a little or a lot of red, visit Ruby Tuesday, hosted by Mary:
Chickens at Howell Living History Farm in Mercer County, New Jersey
Doorway Marked with a 12 at Howell Farm in New Jersey
Each area of the farm to visit was marked on a tourist map with a number, and in those areas there was a subtle number marking the spot.
Does anyone know what kind of vegetation this is? I don’t think it’s swiss chard; the stems don’t look as coarse. Update: I have been informed by some of my readers (thank you, EGWow, Carletta and Jim) that these are beets. Jim says they need some fertilizer. I guess the farm folks are paying more attention to the animals than the garden.
For more posts with a little red or a lot of red, visit Ruby Tuesday:
Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania, next to Delaware River
Today we went to Howell Living History Farm in Lambertville, New Jersey, and after enjoying the chickens, horses, a sleepy cat and a corn-fetching dog, we went to Washington Crossing Historic Park. There are two Washington Crossing parks, one on the New Jersey side and one on the Pennsylvania side. Today we went to the Pennsylvania park, with its historic houses (which were all closed, disappointing the girls we had taken), the park that borders the Delaware River. We got to watch the end of the last screening of the day of “George Washington Crossing the Delaware.”
Howell Living History Farm in Mercer County, New Jersey
I took over 200 pictures, so I’m sure some more will be showing up on the blog soon.
Middlesex County Fair at night, August 3, 2009
Yes, more photos from the Middlesex County Fair: night shots capture action and light.
I really don’t like going on the rides, but they are fun to photograph. This photo was taken just a few hours earlier than the one above.
Dhaval thought my sepia photo of the fair was still a bit gloomy, so I added back in a bit more of the colors from the fair. Then I took the sky out of sepia mode, so now it’s really the cars alone that get the sepia treatment.
Middlesex County Fair, August 3, 2009 - Opening Day
The Middlesex County Fair in East Brunswick, New Jersey had its opening day on Monday, August 3, and we had the fun of attending. I found this photo rather dull, so I decided to convert it to sepia (desaturated it then added yellow and tiny bit of red back in). To bring back just the fun colors of the fair, I colored over some areas with the history brush.
This is my son’s idea of a grande ole time – the setting is Hurricane Harbor, Jackson, New Jersey. We traveled to this (outrageously expensive) waterpark two weeks ago for his entertainment – his sort of thing.
Would you go down this green slide? I’m not showing you the whole thing, but believe me when I say it’s tall, tall, tall. The red arrow shows my son patiently waiting (a half hour? an hour) to go down this green giant.
Here’s my daughter in the pirate section – I daresay she’s Captain of the Ship.
I had fun photographing these birds, who look like they own the place.
My son created this video “Elements in Motion” two weeks ago with the members of his object animation video class at the Zimmerli Art Museum summer program for kids. He did the water section with a few other kids (that’s his voice saying “wheeeeee…”). His friend was part of the air group. Some girls we know did the fire section at the end, but my 12-year-old son is still at the stage where girls are ignored.
Robin’s Summer Stock Sunday is a photo meme, but I am again taking liberties with that definition and including this video, as creativity is in important part of our summer. My daughter is in theater camp for three weeks; I hope to do a post about the play (Brave Little Tailor) she was in on Friday soon.
I got on the computer tonight, and I found a note from one of my favorite European bloggers, Jientje, who granted me this:
The rules to this award are :
1)Show the award in your blog.
2)Link back to the blog that tagged you.
3)Pass on the award to 8 blogs that you love. (Since this award has been around for a while feel free to pass it to as many or as few as you want.)
4)Inform the bloggers that they have been awarded.
5)Take your time, there’s no pressure, but try to check out the other awarded blogs.