Public History Partners is a site I worked on last spring and finished up in the late fall. If you are familiar with New Jersey, you may enjoy seeing the beach at Asbury Park and the Delaware and Raritan Canal. The 1777 map in the header shows the City of New Brunswick, from a Rutgers collection of historical maps.
There is also a photo of a Passover seder on the site. Can anyone tell me where that seder took place?
Visit Public History Partners.
Sky Watch Friday is a photo meme with photos of sunrises, sunsets, blue skies, gray skies, pink skies, dark skies and any other kind of sky posted by bloggers all over the planet.

OK, I lied. This first one isn’t in Edison. It’s on my block in Highland Park, but I want to learn the name of the tree that has these branches. Maybe in the spring when the leaves come back.

I took this photo yesterday at about 5:30 pm, when I was picking up my son from an after school program. The school, RPRY in Edison, New Jersey, is a Jewish Day School, so both the U.S. flag and the Israeli flag were flapping around in the sunset. Today they are probably flapping even more; the wind has been howling since this morning, and a poor woman in Mountainside, New Jersey was killed when a tree fell on her car.

This shot was take above the basketball court at the school.

Before attending my business meeting at Rutgers today in this building, I photographed a detail of the red brick building across the street (above photo, Winants Hall).

Do you think Rutgers chose red as their color so I could use their new emblem (the PR department had it redesigned last year) for Ruby Tuesday?
For more Ruby Tuesday pics, visit:

Last week Mary asked for a “macro.” Not sure how close a macro is, but I did enjoy this bench of roses I found in New Brunswick.

A little more of the bench.

And here’s the bench in its setting on Easton Avenue in New Brunswick, New Jersey.
For more Ruby Tuesday pics, visit:

Sky Watch Friday is a photo meme with photos of sunrises, sunsets, blue skies, gray skies, pink skies, dark skies and any other kind of sky posted by bloggers all over the planet.

I took this photo standing in Highland Park looking across the river at New Brunswick last month in early December. I believe that steeple is in Cook/Douglass Campus of Rutgers (Voorhees Chapel?).

These last two photos were taken this morning. Much bluer sky, right? The above shows the contrasts of old and new architecture in New Brunswick.

This is Easton Avenue in New Brunswick, one block from the College Avenue campus of Rutgers University. I was visiting my favorite computer fix-it folks: Cyber Knight Computers.
My World is a meme played by people all over the planet. For more information and to see other places and wonders, visit My World.

There are railroad tracks on the edge of Highland Park; one could travel these tracks all the way up to Boston or down to Washington DC. Most of the trains, though, just travel between New York City and Philadelphia. You can see the train bridge in my post on the Raritan River. There’s a station in New Brunswick, on the other side of the Raritan, and one in Edison, but none in Highland Park.

You might able to tell why I bothered to head over to the tracks with my camera from the above photo. The land bordering the tracks is all nature: trees, shrubs, plants, dirt.

A path runs through the trees near the tracks, used by hikers and joggers.

This little evergreen bush was the only greenery I could find.

Ah! One tree with pretty fall foliage.
Chabad House at Rutgers will dedicate a new wing to the Mumbai victims.
In an article at MyCentralNewJersey, Rabbi Yosef Carlebach, the director and founder of the Jewish center at Rutgers University says:
“The attack last week was not only an attack on Chabad or the people of Israel but on every living being that believes in life, in humanity and decency.”
And his son, Mendy Carlebach, went to school with Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, who was brutally murdered in Mumbai. The article states:
“Even after he moved to India in 2003, we kept in touch via email,” Mendy said.
He said he last spoke to Holtzberg when they met at the rabbis conference in New York last year.
Mendy said Holtzberg told him of the new Chabad House that he had just purchased in Mumbai. “Gabby described it as an open house for Indians, Jews, everyone who could always come for a meal and a smile.”
Read the whole thing.

It’s been a beautiful autumn here in Central New Jersey. The color is everywhere; I think the weather has been cooler and damper than previous autumns, and the trees are loving it.

These top two photos were both taken on my block. The one with the window is directly across the street, and the other, with the reds to each side and yellow in center, is looking down the block.

These last two photos were taken outside my kids’ school, which is in Edison, New Jersey, just over the border from Highland Park.

How does it look where you live?
More links to beautiful autumn photos on Carmi’s Thematic Photographic: Autumn post

I really wanted to get a photo of Donaldson Park from up high. It is a big county park on the edge of Highland Park, and the Raritan River flows right next to the park. I couldn’t get the whole park, but I got a nice tip of it in this photo. It’s on the right of that white streak in the river.

In order to get this photo, however, I had to park my car on a side street near this busy highway, Route 1, which runs from Maine to Florida (I think). The bridge goes bump, bump, bump as all the cars go over it. I don’t think I’ll be venturing out like this again. I got too nervous from all the cars and bumps.

On my way back to my car, I photographed these pretty fall oak leaves.

The snow in October, unusual for Central New Jersey, inspired me to take these photos. It’s my neighbor’s tree; most probably a “burning bush” (thanks, EG Wow and Carletta). The yellow-leafed plants with green “sticks” are what’s left of my hostas.

My son just called and told me it is RAINING in northern New Jersey.
For more photos with a little red or a LOT of red, visit Mary the Teach at http://workofthepoet.blogspot.com/.