
Multi-colored Markers

It’s fun to photograph magic markers. There is even a red one in there, so I can use this for Ruby Tuesday.

For more photos with a little or a lot of red:
Ruby Tuesday

Railroad Tracks – SOOC

railroad tracks
I took several shots of these Teaneck railroad tracks while waiting for my middle son, who had spent the morning visiting the high school he will attend next year. My older son just told me trains really do travel on those tracks. Oh.

Snowy Sepia Rudbeckia

snowy rudbeckia in sepia
I love photographing rudbeckia (black-eyed susans); they are like sculptures in the winter snow. To achieve the see-through border, I added a 9px stroke to the Photoshop layer that had the sepia effect. Since the layer had an opacity lower than 100%, the border is also transparent. The default stroke effect is a bright red color; using the eye-dropper tool, I selected a color from within the photograph for the border.

Review with 2010 Favorites from Various Blogs

rose leaves with snow
Snow on Rose Leaves, Sunday, December 26, 2010

On This Blog, Recently

tree in storm guinea pig math shamash bends and drips because of oil lights underneath

Elsewhere in the Blogosphere, Recently

Some 2010 Favorites from Elsewhere in the Blogosphere

Nature Notes: Snowstorm 2010

blue jay on the fence
This is a lovely blue jay I photographed about one week before the storm. And this is the post I wrote last week about a calf, a swallow and the winds, but I never hit publish until Monday morning, right before going out to shovel.
rose hips
Here are rose hips during the early hours of the storm on Sunday afternoon.

stormy street December 26, 2010
Our street during the snowstorm
stormy street in the early morning of December 27
Our street the next morning – lots to shovel

tree in storm
My neighbor’s tree
day after the storm
Piles of snow one day later

I’m so grateful I live in a tiny little borough that plows its streets. Yay to everyone in Borough Hall or the Department of Public Works who ensures that this happens!

For more Nature Notes:
Nature Notes

Chanukah is Long Over

shamash bends and drips because of oil lights underneath
Chanukah is over, but I still have photos to share. My husband’s chanukiah has a spot for the shamash, the candle helper that lights the oil wicks underneath. It was nice that the chanukiah was built with a place for a candle, but did the designer have to put the candle directly above the oil cups so every year it bends over like this? It would have made more sense to put the candle holder on the side, although it would take away from the chanukiah’s “classic” look.

Thursday Challenge: Farmer’s Market

apples at Highland Park Farmer's Market
The Highland Park Farmer’s Market is over for the season, but the memories remain.

pumpkins at the market
This one of pumpkins is a bit more abstract than the apples photo. It’s also more washed out, but I like the painterly quality. Some of us have a hard time picking one, whether it’s an apple or a photo.

This week’s Thursday Challenge is FOOD (Farmers Market, Vegetables, Meat, Cooking, Restaurant,…).

Shamash, Nibbles and On the Blog

chanuka shamash
Chanuka is over, until next year, but I still have photos to share! This one is of the shamash; my husband and my three children are all holding their own as they say the bracha (blessing) before lighting the candles. The shamash is the helper and does not count as one of the 8 lights of Chanuka.

Yesterday I went to a lovely party. Some child had taken a whole plate of fancy chocolate candies and had nibbled exactly one bite out of each one. My friend the hostess was not amused. She considered putting up a sign: for adults only. I said maybe the parent should eat the candy if the child wants to try. Of course, then my daughter took one bite of a chocolate covered marshmallow candy without realizing it was marshmallow, and I had no interest in eating it. What do you think?

I loved this: do you hear in your house – “Are you going to put that on the blog?

Portulaca Late October – SOOC

portulaca late October
I planted portulaca (also called moss rose) from seed late this year (late means June), so I only got a few blossoms. Here is one that was still alive in October. These flowers are delicate, open only in late morning and die when it starts to get cold. Sometimes they reseed – hopes for next summer.

For more photos Straight Out of the Camera:
Straight Out of the Camera Sunday

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