
Red Rose Hip

Red Rose Hip
It’s been bleak here – lots of gray, and yesterday it rained all day. But at least the rose hips are bright red and cheery.

For more posts with a little or a lot of red, visit Ruby Tuesday:
Ruby Tuesday

Mom Daughter in Sepia

mom and daughter
I love the way portraits look in sepia. I took a piece of a photo that my son took and used this tutorial called Basic Sepia Tone Old Effect. In the tutorial it suggests changing the whole image to Grayscale; instead, I just used Desaturate on one layer in Photoshop.

mom and daughter in color
Here is the original cropped section of the photo in full color. I used the clone stamp tool to change my husband’s bright lime t-shirt into the coloring of the tree behind. Here’s a good tutorial that demonstrates the use of the clone stamp tool.

For more photos with sepia, visit Sepia Scenes:

bench in sepia

Caption Girl Studies Laptop

girl studies laptop
I was thinking of using a detail of this photo for this post called Why Use Thumbnails, and I would write: “Is she creating a great thumbnail layout for a blog?” Instead, I’ll just ask you to provide your own caption.

Nature Notes: Birds in Back

It seems the time to see birds in my backyard is midday on a warmish day after a cold spell. Then they come in groups. All of these photos were taken through a window, so they are a bit fuzzy. The robins were bouncing around from tree to tree a few days ago.

male cardinal
A male cardinal was in the far end of my backyard. The telephoto lens on my camera allowed me to see this little guy.

blue jay
I don’t often see blue jays in my backyard, but last week a group visited. They had a female and a male cardinal with them, too.

I wasn’t the only one birdwatching; I got a fuzzy photo of the neighbor’s cat, but you’ve all seen a cat before. This one was just lolling about in my garden, watching for possible prey. I bought a bird feeder in a sock at the supermarket (that I haven’t seen touched by bird or squirrel), and I found a window bird feeder online that I will order soon. After I get some work done.

Reds in Trees

cardinal in burning bush
Cardinal Hiding in Burning Bush

I was excited when I spotted a bright red male cardinal in my neighbor’s burning bush (← click and scroll down to see how the bush looked in the fall). I took the shot through the window, so it isn’t all that clear. My family (and their loud voices) came home; when I went outside, the male cardinal along with the female and some beautiful blue jays had disappeared.

heart in tree
Last week I saw this sweet little heart hanging from a tree here in Highland Park.

Candlelight Dinner

candle light
Candle Light on Wall of Restaurant in Teaneck, New Jersey

For more shots Straight Out Of the Camera:
Straight Out of the Camera Sunday

Favorite Images of 2009

strawberry and red juice sycamore trunk Jill Caporlingua and my daughter carnations bouquet on black background Girl with Tulip in Watercolor pink umbrella against gray wall
Highland Park in Sepia  daughter in sepia with teal doing ballet

girls in pink doing ballet  
orange and yellow tulip in my garden, April 2009 Pink Azalea Bud Opening in April 2009 pottery
Sunset over the bay at Sandy Hook, New Jersey  

Yellow Tulip on Red Azaleas, May 2009  pink snapdragon
parsley beets noodles orange purple iris
flags U.S. Israel peaches at Highland Park Farmer's Market 

butterfly bouquet at Highland Park Farmer's Market Witch of Rapunzel in Metuchen
  pointing up a tree in autumn
ghoul gull Jacob Ladder
hamantaschen watercolor beach watercolor ink pumpkin watercolor sledding  lighting an oil wick on Chanukah

I would greatly enjoying reading which of these images strikes your fancy. Thank you!

Upcoming on Thursday: A Selection of Nature Notes Posts from around the Nature-Loving
Blogosphere. Nature Notes is a meme brought to us by Rambling Woods. Here are some of her favorite images of 2009.

Favorite Ruby Tuesdays of 2009

Ruby Tuesday

I decided to pick some of my favorite Ruby Tuesday posts to feature in this last Ruby Tuesday of 2009. Click on any of the photos below or the link underneath to revisit the 2009 post.


snow girl
Snowgirl, January 2009, built by two offspring of mine and a friend
Ruby Tuesday with a Heart

circus elephants
Barnum Bailey Ringling Brothers Circus in New York City
Ruby Tuesday at the Circus
Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam at Israel Day Parade
Ruby Tuesday Red White and Blue

farm chickens
Chickens at Howell Living History Farm in Mercer County, New Jersey
Ruby Tuesday at Howell Farm
Joseph Hall Home
One of the Houses of Cape May, New Jersey
Reds of Cape May

Voting at Allaire Historical Village
Allaire State Park - Re-enactment of vote of 1836
Should Women Vote?

Belle the Therapy Dog
Belle the Therapy Dog Helps Children Learn to Read
Belle the Therapy Dog

dragon at the Highland Park Public Library
Dragon hanging at the Highland Park Public Library
Dragon of Highland Park

It wasn’t easy to choose. Clearly, I had a fun year putting up posts for Ruby Tuesday.

I am working on a post of Favorite Images of 2009. If you have a post of favorite images, if you leave the link in the comments, I will include in a post later this week.

Bald Cypress Leaf – SOOC

Bald cypress leaf on the white snow
A leaf of our bald cypress tree on the deep, white snow

A leaf of our bald cypress tree rested on the deep snow last Sunday. The snow has now been washed away by a day of rain and winds. For more Straight Out of the Camera photos, visit Murrieta365.
Straight Out of the Camera Sunday

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