Welcome to JPIX, the blog carnival of Jewish photo bloggers. Click on any of the thumbnails to visit the posts.
Mother in Israel showed hikes; Ilana-Davita featured a synagogue window:
Leah Lipszyc:
Pesky Settler (two on the left) and Dina in Jerusalem (chanukiah on the right):
Mrs. S.:
Seraphic Secret, Imabima, Lady-Light and Real Shaliach:
Robin (who has just opened an Etsy shop – visit her blog for details):
And some more (by Leora, Mottel and Robin):
To participate in a future JPIX blog carnival please send in your links to favorite photos by February 24. You may also send them to jpixcarnival at gmail dot com. Pesky Settler will be hosting a JPIX on February 25. Thanks for volunteering.
Chanukah has come to an end, and all that was left of colorful candles yesterday was bits of red, yellow, blue and white wax. Frume Sarah hosted Haveil Havalim yesterday; reading her blog carnival post can bring a little cheer.
As a reminder, JPIX, the blog carnival of Jewish Photo Bloggers, will appear on this blog on Wednesday. Entries may be submitted using this blog carnival form. Feel free to come back and visit to see the show.
By the time I had a chance to photograph the hawthorn berries this year, they were a bit past their prime. You can see some of my photos of the hawthorn tree from last year.
My main goal for this year was to get a shot of the thorns. Do you see the sharp thorns?
For more nature notes or signs of the season, visit Rambling Woods:
Each night of Chanukah we light one more candle, until by the eighth night we have eight candles lit. This is to remember the miracle that happened in the Temple a long time ago, when one little container of oil that should have lasted for only one day lasted for eight. In the photo are four orange candles for the fourth night, and the purple one called the “shamash.” The shamash is an extra one, the helper; the shamash lights the other candles. One can choose any colors; my daughter picked these colors. My sons and husband use an oil chanukiah (menorah), as the one in the Temple used oil.
I’ve been taking many photos of the lights, or as the title of this post declares, I’ve been “playing with fire.” Here’s the photo of the candles on a jar, using the warp tool in Photoshop as instructed in this tutorial on the warp tool effect.
This was my kitchen way back in July. See the tomatoes on the window sill? Must have been a bountiful week. The tomatoes are gone, but the clutter is still there.
This was in my kitchen last Friday: doughnuts for Chanukah (we have a custom of eating foods fried in oil to remember the oil that miraculously lasted for 8 days) and challah for Shabbat (the commandment or mitzvah is to eat two loaves of bread with each Shabbat meal – a rich egg bread has developed as the tradition to uphold the mitzvah). Yes, both are homemade. Little red in this photo, but it does keep with the theme of my kitchen!
And here are some red strawberries that got gobbled up last night, along with the doughnuts (sufganiyot) and latkes (potato pancakes). I also made Mimi’s fish soup and a cubed pressed salad of cucumbers and carrots that I seasoned with fresh-squeezed lemon juice, orange juice, and chopped fresh ginger root.