This is probably a greater black-backed gull. Thursday Challenge theme is FLIGHT (Birds, Insects, Kites, Helicopters, Jets, Boomerang,…). Nature Notes is brought to us by Michelle of Rambling Woods. I didn’t include the nature note button this week because the colors conflicted with the photo and upset the mood.
I took so many pics of Cape May, and of course many of them have red, appropriate for Ruby Tuesday. Feel free to tell me which is your favorite of these.
Bottom left and bottom center is the Southern Mansion. Bottom right is the Chalfonte Hotel, built in 1876, which has “Victorian” air-conditioning (a special method of cooling off the large hotel with the attic windows).
For more photos with a little or a lot of red, visit Ruby Tuesday:
While I am waiting patiently for Mary to post her Ruby Tuesday Mr. Linky,
Batya posted the next edition of JPIX (the Blog Carnival of Jewish Photo Bloggers). So enjoy that while you are waiting! The next one will be in December, and I will be hosting, so, Jewish photo bloggers, please photograph upcoming Jewish holiday preparations, especially your sukkah.
I happily award James and James – both are posting beautiful photos.
The first James has recently posted he is thinking of changing his blog name to something that reflects his current interest in walking (“Views from my Walking Shoes”?).
The second James lives in nearby Newtown, Pennsylvania, and I greatly enjoy his collection of photos of familiar and less familiar locations.
Boo! There are two ghost tours in Cape May, New Jersey. The one above is on Lafayette Street; the other, located in an inn on Beach Avenue, calls itself the “original” ghost tour. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the opportunity to go on either ghost tour (boo, hoo). My middle son, who typically likes getting scared, insisted that it would be too much history (both are walking tours). And for my daughter, who wanted to go, well, the next tour *started* at 9 pm, which is only 1/2 hour past her bedtime. And I’m afraid she *would* be scared.
Here’s the above ghost on Lafayette Street in her setting on the porch of Elaine’s Bed and Breakfast. Maybe this is Elaine?
We went into the office of original Cape May ghost tour at the Hotel Macomber, which was across the street from this dusk scene. The woman behind the counter assured my son that the tour was indeed scary, but my son didn’t take the bait.
We visited two great haunted houses when we were at Lake George a few years back. Do you have any memorable haunted house stories?
I wanted to post something fun this morning, and I stumbled upon James’ fine photo of Glenside, Pennsylvania. It turns out this was a challenge to post the fourth photo from my fourth folder and explain it. I had previously posted about these American sycamores on a Skywatch post here. The photo was taken in the depths of January winter, and I love the idea of posting off season photos.
The rules are below:
1. Open the fourth file where you store your photos.
2. Pick the 4th photo.
3 . Explain the photo.
4. Pass challenge onto 4 other bloggers.
Please, anyone who wants to do this please do so, but to give some of my photo blogger friends a poke I’ll pass this on to Ilana-Davita, Jientje, Robin, and Ellie. Do it whenever you are in the mood for something different.
On this day in 1609 the Maharal of Prague, Rabbi Judah Loew Ben Bezalel, passed away: “…For many the Marhal’s greatest claim to fame was tied to a fictional creation called the Legend of the Golem. That legend is a medieval version of the story of Frankenstein, according to which the Maharal breathed life into a human-like figure by sticking a slip of paper with the Tetragrammaton to his forehead.”
I started working on my tech-business blog, and I wrote a whole post about it. On a piece of paper. That I haven’t re-read in over a week. Maybe I’ll have something coherent to say about my new upcoming blog on Sunday or Monday. Meanwhile, this existing blog is where I give myself permission to talk about struggle. Does one really have to present oneself as never struggling in order to be successful? I don’t think so.
Sky Watch Friday is a photo meme with photos of sunrises, sunsets, blue skies, gray skies, pink skies, dark skies and any other kind of sky posted by bloggers all over the planet.
I took this photo from the car (I wasn’t driving, don’t worry), and it has less blur than many of my “from the car” photos. Toys R Us has a smart marketing department; the logo for Kohl’s, a store that sells discount clothing, does not stand out nearly as much.
My local birding expert thinks this is probably a laughing gull that I photographed at the Cape May Migratory Bird Refuge.
I learned a lot about birds at the museum near the Cape May lighthouse. Can anyone guess what this is for? OK, I’ll tell you: it’s for housing purple martins. Which apartment would you take if you were a purple martin? To me, a purple martin looks like someone dunked a bird in a oil slick.
This big stuffed thing in the museum was the closest I got to photographing an osprey.
Because we vacationed between two hurricanes (neither of which came ashore in the U.S. but they do produce waves and rain), we had the lucky experience of beautiful weather and frolicking waves (can waves frolic? – consider this as anthropomorphism). A year-round resident of Cape May told me the waves are usually quite gentle (i.e., boring to my boys).
I had a whole slew of scenic Cape May photos I wanted to post for Ruby Tuesday yesterday; however, life (family, work, and need for sleep) got in the way, so I am glad next Monday is Labor Day and I look forward to posting them for next week’s Ruby Tuesday meme.