
Today’s Flowers: Crocus

Such a joy that my neighbor’s crocuses are blooming! (Two points for anyone who can pluralize crocus in a different way, without looking it up in Google, no cheating!)

For some reason the orange ones have opened up before the purples.

A few of the crocuses have stripes!

crocuses   crocus_orange_purple   crocus_orange_p

For more flowers, visit:

Today's Flowers


Some of you wondered how snowdrops look when they come up out of the ground.
(see Sunday’s post of snowdrops)

Don’t they look like little lamp posts? Later they “spray” open their petals a bit.

Crocus photos will appear on this blog on Sunday.

Today’s Flowers: Snowdrops

I took this photo last week, before the snow. Today, one week later, all our snow is gone! Part of me is sad, but then, the birds are happy and chirping; they are announcing: spring! Yesterday I walked past a different neighbor whose snowdrops had already formed blooms.

For more flowers, visit:

Today's Flowers

Today’s Flowers: Sedum

sedum_driedI took this photo of a dried sedum flower a block away from my house a few days ago.

sedumHere’s a sedum flower I photographed last September. I believe this is “Showy Stonecrop” or Sedum spectabile. I would like to try growing this flower in my garden this summer.

For more flowers, visit:

Today's Flowers

Today’s Flowers: Winter Bud

Rose of Sharon in winter
Rose of Sharon, dried out buds in the January sky

The sky really was this white on this day in mid-January. Today, in early February, we are having a thaw, and I looked outside for signs of crocuses. Maybe my neighbor’s snowdrops will come up soon? The ground is still too hard to plant peas, but I should order some new ones and some inoculant to plant with the pea seeds.

Today’s Flowers: Coreopsis

A little coreopsis flower from my 2006 garden
A little coreopsis flower from my 2006 garden

This was cropped from a 2006 photo, taken from my old digital Kodak Canon Powershot. I see the photo is not as crisp as those taken with my current Canon Powershot. Could be my skill has improved. It is a threadleaf coreopsis.

Today’s Flowers is hosted by Luiz Santilli Jr. Thank you, Luiz, for this lovely and fun meme.

Today's Flowers

Today’s Flowers in Winter

This is the last flower I can find on my block. It is in a neighbor’s front yard, a neighbor who has many perennials planted in front of her house instead of grass.

I believe this is a kind of heather of the family Erica.



Today’s Flowers is hosted by Luiz Santilli Jr. Thank you, Luiz, for this lovely and fun meme.

Today's Flowers

Today’s Flowers: Dianthus in Snow

Dianthus or “pink” in the (now melted and gone) snow in front of my house

A fading dianthus a week before the snow

A dianthus in early fall

Today’s Flowers is hosted by Luiz Santilli Jr. Thank you, Luiz, for this lovely and fun meme.

Today's Flowers

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