The happiest flowers in my garden in this cool autumn are the marigolds. We also have mums, white alyssum, snapdragons, rudbeckia and a solitary pink rose. The last of the summer impatiens died this past week.

I saw a neighbor had red and pink carnations that were still showing color.

If you take the dried up marigold buds, open them to reveal the seeds, then sprinkle them in your yard, next spring you will have a renewed treat.
For more flowers, visit:

I bought some orange chrysanthemums at the local Farmer’s Market on Friday. As they are in a pot, I can place them wherever I want in the garden before taking a photo. I may decide to plant them directly in the ground in November. The marigolds in my garden are holding up nicely in the fall, with red in the center of their orange petals.
For more photos with a bit of red or a lot of red, visit Ruby Tuesday:

This watercolor is available for a limited time (until I do another one I like a lot!) for purchase as a greeting card at my Cafepress store.

Marigolds look pretty among the fallen leaves of autumn. These yellow and/or orange flowers grow in front and on the side of my house. I sprinkle the seeds in spots I want them to appear next spring.

Today’s Flowers is hosted by Luiz Santilli Jr. Thank you, Luiz, for this lovely meme.